my makeover
NOPE. I didn't have my eyebrows shaped nor did I get bangs or have my hair permed [i'm curious to have curly hair, but don't have enough guts to do so, hehe..]. my pet house did. however, this isn't a "new" makeover. when i created this blog, i intended to chronicle the things going on inside my little pet house and the thoughts that ran through my head while i'm here. but have never really been true to this blog's goal. so i'm going to remedy it starting with this little post, albeit this is late, but who's keeping tabs?? anyhow, you be the judge at my little attempt at room makeover. how do i fare? this is how my unit looked like when i first got the keys of the property this is what i changed it to.. 1) room color - i forgot the exact paint color. i picked a vibrant color as i'd be living alone. this is a happy color for me. 2) book shelf - very first piece of furniture i bought so my books will have their proper pedestal. the size was j...