internal debate

Four days of no work. Yay, right? Only to a certain extent yay, unfortunately! I'm really grateful for the break, but what I'm not grateful for is the time it gives me to have so much thoughts. Knowing me, having the time to think isn't really healthy for my well-being. Primarily because I have the tendency to dwell on the negative more than the positive things in life. Anyhow, just to kill the lethargic and bored feeling i'll just humor myself by listing some of the thoughts running in my head at the moment. Well, really they're my way of avoiding the month-worth of fresh laundry waiting for me to iron them. Argh, i've been putting off doing the ironing of clothes, but looks like I've to do them today as I no longer have pressed clothes to wear come Monday, or even today or tomorrow, in case I've the urge to get out of Mactan.

to travel or to save
unlike other people, i don't have many things that get me excited except traveling. lately, however i've been debating on whether i should keep up with this penchant for traveling or be serious about saving for my future. unfortunately, i'm not rich. thus, i can't have both. it has to be one or the other. as i'm sinfully single and will be turning 31 come august, i can't also help but think about growing old alone. thus, there's the urge for me to save in order that i could continue to care for myself, or afford to hire help by the time real old age and frailty come into the picture.

i know, i know. this goes against the idea of saving for the future. but somehow, i've convinced myself that i wont have a full life unless i've stepped on euroland. believe me, i know that it's irrational to think so. but it's what i believe at the moment. one korean once said that it'd be impossible for me to go there given my current salary. thus, the itch to go to europe is all the more great. barring that korean's comment, i truly want to visit that other side of the world and try i would. who knows? who knows the dream that he'd take me there would come true? life's full of possibilities, right?

investing in stocks
this is in line with the idea of growing old alone. i need to have money in case my fate doesn't change and i really end up alone. i know i'm not cut out for business, so earning money through business is out of the question. i'm well aware that continued employment won't get me rich. thus, there's sometimes the urge to try working abroad. so comes stocks. well, it does involve money too, but my sister came across one company that allows low-income earners to invest on stocks for as little as PhP5,000. now, i'd like to do this but currently my budget is held up by guess what? travel, hehe... in two weeks, i'd be flying to bangkok and in june to ilocos.

making choices
was watching loads of grey's anatomy and in one of the episodes, making choices was the main subject. in that episode, there was one waiter [approximately, in his 50s] who bribed a doctor to have his bed placed beside a woman's. the woman was about the same age as the waiter. this woman was a regular at the restaurant where the waiter works. for 15 years or so, the waiter was the woman's server from the time she first stepped inside the restaurant until she found another man and got married. all those years, the waiter had never summoned enough courage to tell his love for the woman. the woman, on the other hand, kept coming to the restaurant hoping that the waiter would say something until she made a choice. she met a guy and married him. it was while they were confined at the hospital that the woman heard for the first time what she knew all along [the waiter's love for her]. well, the waiter thought the woman was asleep when he told his story to the resident. meanwhile, the woman's husband was in surgery and his life was in critical condition. knowing this, there was a question on whether the woman would say something to the waiter in response to what she's heard. well, she did say something. she would have wanted the waiter to say something then. in fact, it was the reason she kept coming back to the restaurant. but since the waiter kept his peace, she made a choice. she made a choice and married the guy who did say something.

argh, making choices is foremost in my mind. i know what it is that i want. the question is, will making the choice be the right one for me? do i have enough stuff to make the choice? i know i can't wait for something that will never happen, but... yes, there are lots of buts and i don't think it's appropriate to discuss in public. [not that people read me, LOL!!]


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