gifts only from beautiful people

it's probably not the first time that i mentioned that in the past few months, the issue of growing old alone is getting to me. it enters my mind every so often that sometimes i convince myself that it will be scary. however, i know too, that even if i end up growing old alone, i know that i can handle it and still be happy. sure, there'd be moments that the silence of my pet house will get to me. perhaps it's this knowledge that prompted me to surround myself with trinkets and gifts from very special people. these gifts remind me that i may be the only soul in my pet house, but i'm sure as hell am loved by no less than beautiful beings.

well, it took me a while to provide decors to my pet house. perhaps it's why line bought me all these. i hope i have thanked you for them. if i haven't, know that i'm very grateful and you're still the most thoughtful person i've had the honor of knowing.

hehe, chin's had enough of me complaining about the lack of adequate cooling system in my place. so she got me this fan for my birthday and promised to upgrade it to an airconditioning unit once i get myself hitched. but looks like, i'm never going to get it. too bad..

yup, if abraham lincoln were alive, i've probably concocted a lot of schemes to get him

fridge of love. butterfly's a christmas gift, satchmo for hosting it to a trip to singapore, and bacolod for my penchant for travel

i'm a frustrated dancer. thus, i fancy anything that's related to it. when yam first brought this salsa puzzle poster, i immediately fell in love with it. hehe, i joked yam into selling me the piece, but to no avail. a few years after, when she moved to another apartment she buzzed me if i still want it as she's throwing it away. fortunately, some presence urged me check my ym archives and i read her message in time. i immediately sent a big OF COURSE! reply. thanks for this yam!

yam's do-it-yourself apron

hodgepodge in honor of my love for travel. some are wedding souvenirs only from dear friends

my little christmas tree that brought tears, a christmas gift, and an abraham lincoln children's book

someone to watch over me

my sole source of entertainment as i've no TV until now. for time-to-time pc maintenance, troubleshooting, and sometimes movie/tv show downloads

thanks, thanks, thanks lovelies...


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