c.s. lewis

so, here i was tinkering numbers. i was bent on making myself debt-free. my efforts towards that goal have almost paid off. as of writing, i've successfully eliminated one. as soon as i have my free voucher, i'll be closing the account for good. now, i'm down to just 2 cards with a little less than 5K for one card, and less than 3K in another. but what do i know? i was bored, and somehow the bookstore i once visited in seoul popped in my head.
at bandi and luni's bookstore, seoul. september 4, 2010

as i know that most of south korea are online, i went to google and hit bandi and luni's. next thing i new, i was contacting a couple of friends in korea, and well...

17,040 won
14,920 won
19,200 won
since i've been introduced to christian literature, i've been wanting to get hold of these books. sadly, i couldn't find them in either national bookstore or fully booked. i've considered buying through amazon, but shipping cost is ridiculous. thus, i've been putting off buying the said books. in fact, i've been putting off buy the book below for reasons that i was bent on making myself debt-free first. this book, and a whole lot of c.s. lewis' books cost more than PhP 500, and they're less-than-half-an-inch thin! i figured, since they're available in national bookstore and omf literature, i could just buy them when they're included in my budget, hehe.
mere christianity, available in national bookstore and omf literature


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