my first cupcakes

per my usual Saturday routine, i woke up late. after i prepared myself some rice, hot dog, scrambled egg, and coffee for brunch, i found myself with nothing much to do. well, i got a text from tes informing me about a basil valdez show over at casino espanol tonight. a friend of hers and jam had free tickets to the show. but as it was raining when i read her message, i told her i'd consider it if the rain stopped. however, as the afternoon passed - my body craved to just stay at home and thus finally declined going to the show. to occupy myself, i decided to bake myself some cupcakes. i did mention in some past post that i'd try to start baking as a hobby.

well, here are proofs of my first attempt:

vanilla-flavored with hints of creamy-coffee

the recipe for this was simply gotten from the box of cream's all purpose flour. in this experience, i learned that i'm not very good at following instructions, haha!! the recipe called for 3 eggs, and i only used 2. then, it says that i should use 1 cup of butter, and i only used less than a cup. for sugar, i didn't use white since i have none at home. i only keep brown sugar at home. coffee wasn't in the recipe, but i like mocha flavor, and thus added some instant coffee granule, hehe. the result is this:

the recipe box said that i should only bake it for 15 minutes or until brown. while waiting, i watched some BBC documentary entitled Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery. The first in a series of five was called "Into The Brain". as i've always been fascinated with the brain, i got glued watching the docu that i almost forgot about the cupcakes in my oven. so them cupcakes stayed in the oven more than they should be and consequently i ended up with some slightly burned cupcakes. had they stayed in the oven any minute longer, they'd have turned out to be toasted cupcakes, LOL!!

nevertheless, they weren't as bad. in fact, i did enjoy them and devoured all 5 cupcakes in one sitting, haha! there's only 4 here in the pic as i must have thrown the first cupcake sheet in the trash. as mentioned in a previous post, i just love sweet treats, burned or not. i downed these cupcakes with some ice cold coke. life couldn't be any happier. cheers to first attempts!!

happy saturday, everyone!


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