
how is it that it's easy for some people to get excited?

is my hormonal problem the culprit?

anyway, whatever the cause for my very minimal "excitement hormone" (is there such a thing??), i have reason to believe that something is going on IN me that is triggering my excitement to its highest level. oh yes, i'll be leaving for ho chi minh/siem reap this Saturday, YAY!!! but however i want to pinpoint it to that upcoming travel, i really cannot attribute this excitement to THAT. there is something greater that's causing it and i know it's beyond me or anything.

so, since it's rare that i do get excited, i thought of chronicling it here. that way, i can get back to this should there be a point in my life that will make me question life itself.


i'm not very GODLY nor am i consistent in going to church. heck, the only time i go to church is on my birthday and on Jesus' birthday. i cannot even imagine myself writing about GOD and yet here i am talking about GOD. trust me, my belief in GOD is not very steadfast. should a higher power test me on my faith, i will surely fail. big time. despite this belief set in my head, i'm amazed at how my life is turning out and how i'm led to one aspect that GOD knows will capture my attention: financial management.

yes, money. currently, i'm drawn to issues on getting out of debt, saving, and investing. how are these topics GOD related? well, as it turns out - according to a book i've read - the BIBLE has a lot of contents devoted to the topic of money. in fact, there's one provision where GOD actively ask people to test HIM, specifically on the subject of tithing:

Malachi 3:10

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows."

according to books i came across, all the things in Earth are GOD's and that us humans are mere stewards of HIS wealth. that said, it's important to be wise in managing the little or more we have, whether it's school allowance if you're a student, salary if you're a worker, or profit if you're an enterpreneur.

i'm by no means rich, nor have the means to be rich quick. haha, i am even one of many people with consumer debt a.k.a credit card debt. that alone should give me NO authority to speak about money, much more on financial management. that may be the case, authority or not, i'm VERY EXCITED about this topic. like i pointed out earlier, "excitement" doesn't come easily to me. it is truly a surprise to me why talking about it gets me excited even at the absence of savings. if you're a member of my team or one of my friends, you will probably see this in action. recently, ive been talking to my members/friends about financial management and even to our admin people in the office and yeah, some of them may be thinking i'm becoming loony on this one. but what the heck, i'm passionate about this and hopefully it will not wane. i'm just happy that a little at a time, i can get people to be serious financial managers with their own money. i am VERY FAR away from being a good financial manager, but i'm just happy to say that i'm working towards it. in my mind, although i will not die a millionaire (or a thousandnaire)- i will dream about it and attempt it, hehe.. - the thought that i'm encouraging at least one or two persons to better handle their finances is an enough incentive. let's just say, i believe in ripple effect. i believe that one person gaining knowledge leads another to gain that same knowledge and more. my professor in college, miss g, once said that knowledge is not meant to be kept, it's meant to be shared.

oh, about ripple effect? i was shown an example of it: yoga. i've been telling people about the benefits of yoga. and after countless mention; i got two of my college friends to try yoga yesterday. hehe, one friend dragged a husband (a month ago), another dragged a fiancee and another friend. well, they may not all be convinced at the benefits of yoga, i'm just happy that at least one of them will be convinced enough to spread it to their network.

so, let's spread the knowledge going. let's start with bo sanchez's free e-book called My Maid Invests in the Stock Market, and Why You Should Too.

you can go to this site: a pop-out will ask you to send your e-mail address to get a free copy of the 28-page e-book.


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