darn PROUD!!!

i live alone.

i don't own a tv set. i only have my li'l almost 3-year old 7-inch eee pc for company and some books. see?

so, i'm often asked if i don't ever get bored. well, being a lone homeowner there are just so much to do, especially if you choose to be cheapskate and do things on your own - there's cleaning and laundry, and cooking. though they're fairly common chores, believe me, they do eat up a lot of time [that or i'm just slow in accomplishing them]. anyway, yeah, there are times that neither downloaded t.v. series nor books is enough to while away time especially on weekends. so when boredom hits me, i take out my little sewing box and sew curtains or floor pillowcases. i sew by hand so it takes me long hours to finish one project. hey, i'm no expert. in fact, my finished output ain't that spectacular, but i'm proud to have come up with something out of nothing. in my mind, who cares as there's no one to inspect and judge them.

anyway, though i love sewing by hand, i know it's not practical to spend so much hours on it. so whenever i get to go home to my parents' house, i often ask my sister to be on the look out for an electric sewing machine. something that's cheap. i even told her to check out the manalili stores as i heard one time that there are second-hand machines for sale there. alas! as the universe would have it, her immediate boss, who's about to migrate to canada then, texted her about disposing her German-make electric sewing machine. So, i readily told my sister to buy it for me.

So NOW, i have this baby to keep me company on boring weekends.

HAHA. Like i said, it's made in Germany. So, its manual is in German so I've to figure out things via pictures only.

OKAY, i resort to youtube mostly.

since the time i took possession of it, late january - i haven't made something yet - except for its cover. i made it using the fabric of an umbrella that i only got to use for three occasions as its frame snapped from the strong mactan winds.

last saturday, however i took on an ambitious challenge. haha, courtesy of miss debi. last march 12, i went to manila. hours before my flight back, miss debi brought me to this fabric store in market, market and i saw these lovely stripes of brown and pink fabric. the first thing that came to my mind was PINK!!! - it would complement my lime green walls at home. miss debi thought of making a bag out of it, but when i blurted out my idea to make a slipcover out of it, she egged me to buy the fabric. i sure love the fabric pattern, but i'm a newbie when it comes to sewing using the machine.. [i haven't used one saved for when i bought it].. but she encouraged me nevertheless. i gave in, and this is what i have now in my living room.

if you closely inspect it, its detail is very much wanting. but what the heck: I MADE MY OWN COUCH SLIPCOVER!!!! haha, i'm just so proud. the only regret is my legs are in so much pain! haha, i've muscle sore from hell from the time spent measuring the couch, cutting the fabric, sewing and re.sewing. nevertheless, i'm still HAPPY!!!

now, on my next free time or "in-the-mood-to-sew" time, i'll make the cover for this:


Meream said…
Woot! Congrats! I reckon I should make one for ours, too, since it's covered with cat hair now. Haha
vetlongwalks said…
salamat marj and yam!!

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