no idea

OK. i've been out of the blogosphere for a time now. it's probably because in the past few months, i convinced myself that constantly being online isn't doing me any good except make an already stressful life more stressful. plus i convinced myself that nobody could give a rat's ass about what's going on with myself. oh, i'm still convinced that nobody gives a rat's ass. but i'm back for the sole purpose of letting off steam, hehe... NO, i'm not full of anger. the reason i'm back [or is trying to..] is because i'm so full of myself now. i want to tell the world how unexciting my life is at the moment. OK, i'm making up excuses. i don't have an iota idea of why i'm back. i probably just want to pound on the keyboard and hope that some sense will come out of this.

ok, i'm not really making any sense right now.

here's hoping a good week ahead.

p.s. i thank the universe that i only have simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. will probably blog about it sometime.


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