of showerheads and water supply line

a couple of weeks back, i set my eyes on cleaning my bathroom's shower head. after religiously cleaning it, i tried to attach the showerhead back onto the goose-neck shower arm. when i hand tighten it, the pipe nipple fell into pieces. great! as buying a new showerhead was not part of the month's budget, i went without a shower for a few weeks. so when i received my pay yesterday, i readily went to ace hardware at sm to buy myself a new showerhead. wow! the store carries a wide range of showerheads that are pretty neat and EXPENSIVE. as i didn't exactly know the size of my showerhead's pipe and couldn't bring myself to ask one of the store attendants, i went ahead to getting the cheapest kind they had at the store. i got the showerhead that once cost PhP174 for a discounted price of PhP 150 [start rolling your eyes, i'm weird this way]. to my mind, i'd just get the cheapest one so in the off chance that i get the fitting all wrong, then i would have wasted only 150 instead of the PhP2000 to 4000-kind that i wanted had i not allowed my practical and cheapskate sense to get the better of me. besides, the PhP150-showerhead isn't made of plastic and it actually go well with the existing shower arm. when i got home, i readily attached my new showerhead and enjoyed a real nice bath.

when i finished my bath, i was happy that i had addressed the shower issue once and for all. i proceeded to enjoy a serving of pasta, an episode of the mentalist as a reward. after watching the episode, i went ahead to doing my bi-weekly budget when i heard the sound of running water coming from my bathroom.

bam! wham! the packing nut of my toilet's water supply line gave way. i tried to attach the nozzle back, but the whole thing just fell into my hands. i got all wet that i had to resort to shutting the main water supply valve of my pet house. darn, it's rather inconvenient to be going out of the house and twisting the valve open just i could have running water. now, my budget's been made and there's no room for extra expense such as buying a new water supply line and supply valve and fee for a plumber. but clearly, i cannot do without the water supply line unless i forego using the toilet. that can't be. so i resolve to make myself a plumber tonight and let's see how much damage or good i can make out of this. good luck to me and my water bill!


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