friday night

had a really late friday. we had this little basketball tourney in the office and the game lasted sometime eleven o'clock [i, think]. after the games, i didn't immediately go home because my stomach protested of hunger. see, i skipped dinner as we had this friday ritual of eating pancit canton and bread in the pm prior to the games. so, it was kinda expected that hunger pangs would come calling after six hours or so. although, line and some others from the office invited me to go to the larsian with them, i opted to eat some other place, hehe... i've nothing against the company, love them all except that my little crazy brain kept shouting "daghan ra kaayo sila, vet for you to handle.." i don't know what's wrong with me, but too many people sets off an alarm bell in my head. so instead of joining the throng, i dragged arn.arn and john to some other barbecue place. we had dinner of grilled pork belly [mine], bangus [john's], barbecue, and dried squid [arn's]. for the past months, i've been hanging out with these two, roy [our company guard] and roro [our company janitor].

hunger satisfied and really, really full after - we three decided to walk back to the office. we head back there so arn could get a ride at countrymall and for john to get his bag at the office. john decided to leave his bike at the office since he was kinda paranoid that he might be stopped by the traffic police at checkpoint. he insisted that though it was truly late for some people, it was actually around this time that the traffic police do their operations. he didnt want to risk being stopped at checkpoint since he wasn't finished with the renewal of his vehicle registration and he didnt want to get cited for violation. incidentally, he said that he had some stuff to finish at his mactan home. so after we got his bag, we proceeded to finding ourselves a ride. as i'm with company, i decided to scrimp on taxi money. it took a while for us to get home since it's already too late and the jeepney driver waited until his jeep was full before he drove away.

two jeepney rides and tricyle ride after, we reached genesis sometime around 2:30 in the morning. we parted ways when the trike driver dropped us off at my front door.


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