the early part of 2007, january, is still very clear in my head. it's during this time that talks about getting myself a house first started. it's the first time that a concrete action was taken leading to accomplishing one of the items in my high school list. well, read on my uncertainties regarding house ownership. generally, take a peek at the reason why getting a house is foremost in my mind. jan. 27, 2007 mission focus in my earlier blog, i mentioned about a mission. up until now, even with a slight fever and headache… i’m still ramming my head over it. geez, i don’t know what’s scaring me. i find the mission i’ve placed on my shoulder really daunting. my instinct is yelling to back out of it, before i get too involved and be suck under in the quicksand fast. yet, my ever reliable little brain is yelling with equal force "don’t be a moron, vet. you can do this." ha. truthfully i’m scared as hell. i’ve never been scared in my life. i wasn’t even that scared when i...