old and rundown
this was where i spent my childhood years. the house wasn't ours. we rented it until we were forced out when the landlord decided to sell the land where this house stood. if my memory serves me, we were the second to the last family to vacate the place [or where we the last??]as the house owned by my other's aunt was still occupied by another renter. see, it took a while for 'nay lilia's [+] tenant to find another place to move to and my mother [i think, at my 'nay lilia's insistence]didn't want to be separated from good 'ole punta princesa [she's lived here since she was 15!] and aunt, who provided food and shelter for her when she left her hometown of balamban. thus, we had to wait for the tenant before we could transfer to my mother's aunt's house. the above picture was taken right after typhoon ruping ravished cebu. incidentally, this was a few days after my younger brother celebrated his 7th birthday [see the balloon?]. although the str...