impulse book shopping spree

i'd say, yesterday was a bad day for me. went to see my doc to consult a problem on involuntary urination. the consult wasn't bad. it went fine, actually. my doc is awesome in making yourself comfortable while she's poking you. i did give her a hard time though as my inexperience caused my muscles to tighten instinctively and thus, she kept urging me to relax. yoga's deep breathing did help me a little. well, after my visit to the doc, i was overwhelmed with emotion. so much overwhelmed that i couldn't control my lacrimal glands and ended up texting my usual go-to guy. as usual, he didn't fail me. anyhow, after the clinic visit i proceeded to nearby robinsons. for some reason, i couldn't control my tears and so went to the place i know that would give me comfort - BOOKSALE!!! there's something about stacks of books that gives me peace. browsing books somehow calms my erratic nerves. i ended up shelling PhP491 for all 7 finds.

i didn't however get all 7 at BOOKSALE Robinson's. i only got 3 of them there while the other 4 i got at BOOKSALE SM while i was waiting for my lab results from PrimeCare.


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